How it Works
Select the Product
Search the internet to find what you are looking for and a price you are willing to pay
Paste the URL into Price Stop
Tell us the page on the web with the product you want
We get you a better price!
We make contact with retailers across New Zealand to get you a better price, no more need to shop around
Places to Shop
Price Stop needs a link to a product on an ecommerce website to get the details it needs to find you a better price. Take a look at these retailers to find a product.
Kiwi’s Saving Time & Money with PriceStop
About PriceStop
We strive everyday to save you time & your hard earned money.
Find products at the best price
At PriceStop you can find the best product for you anywhere on the internet and then ask local retailers to better that price. We work hard to find retailers that stock the same product and give them the opportunity to compete for your business. All this with almost no time input from you!
Independent and trustworthy
PriceStop is an independent price tendering service. We reach out to retailers asking them to submit a bid for your item. All stores that can either ship to you or are within your geographical area are given an opportunity to provide a price.
Guaranteed to save you money
We charge a small percentage of the money we save you. We guarantee you will save money or there is absolutly no fee for our service.
Pricing Beats in Progress
Others are currently looking for deals on these items